Барак Обама во Москва
Рускиот претседател Дитриј Медведев го пречекува американскиот претседател Барак Обама во Кремљ - US President Barack Obama (R) shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (L) at the Kremlin in Moscow on July 6, 2009. Obama arrived in Russia for a summit aimed at agreeing a roadmap to nuclear arms cuts and reviving a relationship troubled by a string of crises. AFP PHOTO / RIA NOVOSTI / KREMLIN POOL / VLADIMIR RODIONOV Барак Обама и Дмитрий Медведев в Москве
Рускиот и американскиот претседател Дмитриј Медведев и Барак Обама се поздравуваат пред средбата - US President Barack Obama (R) shakes hands with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (L) at the Kremlin in Moscow on July 6, 2009. Obama arrived in Russia for a summit aimed at agreeing a roadmap to nuclear arms cuts and reviving a relationship troubled by a string of crises. AFP PHOTO / RIA NOVOSTI / KREMLIN POOL / VLADIMIR RODIONOV
Безбедносните служби на покривот од хотелот Риц Карлтон во Москва - Russia -- Security personnel on the roof of Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow, obama visit, 06Jul2009
Американскиот претседател Барак Обама со семејството при пристигнувањето во Москва - US President Barack Obama along with his wife Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia wave upn their arrival to Moscow on July 6, 2009. Obama landed in Russia to revive a relationship hurt by a series of crises, but with the two Cold War ex-foes still facing tough talks on several key issues. AFP PHOTO / DMITRY KOSTYUKOV
Рускиот претседател Медведев и американскиот претседател Обама минуваат покрај почесната гарда во Кремљ - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (C) and US President Barack Obama (R) walk past an honor guard at the Kremlin in Moscow on July 6, 2009. The United States and Russia agreed to revive a joint commission that investigates the fate of prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action, the White House said. AFP PHOTO / RIA NOVOSTI / KREMLIN POOL / MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV
Претседателите на Русија и САД во Кремљ - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and US President Barack Obama arrive for the signing ceremony of the Joint Understanding on Strategic Arms Reduction and joint press conference in Moscow Kremlin, Russia 06 July 2009. Barack Obama is on a working visit in Russia. EPA/ANASTASIA MALTSEVA
Претседателите Медведев и Обама пристигнуваат на прес конференција - RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Moscow : Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and US President Barack Obama (L) walk to the podium to make a statement at the Kremlin in Moscow on July 6, 2009 after top-level talks. The two sides issued a joint declaration on replacing a key disarmament treaty, including figures for reductions in nuclear warheads, and clinched a breakthrough deal for US military transit for Afghanistan across Russia. AFP PHOTO / YURI KADOBNOV
Претседателите на Русија и САД Медведев и Обама на прес конференција - RUSSIAN FEDERATION, Moscow : Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (R) and US President Barack Obama (L) speak after the signature of the Joint Understanding on Strategic Arms Reduction during a joint press conference at the Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia, on July 6, 2009. The declaration calls for a reduction in the number of nuclear warheads in Russian and US strategic arsenals to between 1,500 and 1,675 within seven years. AFP PHOTO/Jim WATSON